InIfathe end of life on earth marks the beginning of life in the realm of the ancestors (Orun). LA AYAPA EMBRUJO A LA HIJA MAS PEQUEA DE UNA OBINI, QUE LA HABIA, MANDADO AL RIO EN BUSCA DE AGUA.CUIDADO CON SU HIJOS MENORES NO SE LOS. It says the solidification of the past lays the foundation for that which is to come. The ability of Ifa* to give me the wisdom and guidance to successfully navigate through my life journey is unparalleled. 3.- AMARRE EL BARCO PARA QUE NO SE LE VAYA A PIQUE. The temple is headed by Babalawo Fagbemijo Amosun Fakayode and Apetebi Oyaseye Fakayode. 2. As a Force in NatureOsahas a cleansing transforming effect. . InIfathe concept ofIworiis associated with spiritual transformation symbolized by the element of fire. 3-2 Ogunda Eyioko : do not argue the point, with the tongue you can make justice. Content licensed CC-BY-NC 4.0. Ifa is the Orisa of ones destiny. tratado enciclopedico de ifa *osa ogunda *osa kuleya + i o i i i i o i osa kuleya yibio yibio omo ologu iya mi odese baba mi lebo. Thank you, Baba*, for being a radiant light and opening yourself up to show us how to set ourselves FREE and live in true abundance! The negative manifestation of Ika is the source of self-hexing, gossip and unfair denigration of the other. Ifateaches that if a person is unsure about their destiny they should live in alignment with the principles of good character because everyone is believed to be inherently good. If says that under this odun when the person dies the soul of the benefactor rests, while that of the evildoer suffers bitter remorse. Respect for the Orishas, the egguns, nature, other human beings and for the person himself is of vital importance for life to take the course that corresponds to it. Irosun,the Resounding Osun- is the Yoruba word for menstrual blood. Debe evitar dar vueltas en s mismo como el perro. The temple is located in Arcata, Northern California. In its negative manifestation it can be the source of an inflated sense of self importance. Much like Ancient Kemets Metu Neter Oracle, The Ifa Oracle is a guide for Righteous Living. Key Phrase:Oturuponcreates the maintenance of health. It is an image of instability within the forces of the earth. The head is where memories are stored, so by protecting the head, Osun preserves the past. When I came to Chief Alj, I was unemployed and at a low point in my life journey. Come jio jio, gallo, y ayapa. It is the expansion of light from source outward. I will be honest, I didnt know right away how strong it was. Ogunda Ose: Ifa Temple and Spiritual Healing Center. Los Orishas Signos de Ifa: Qu es Ifa? OTURA MEJI, IRETE MEJI, OSE MEJI. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. From holy odu: Otura osa Olofin ko le tan O ko oju re s etu D'if fun Ominilogba Ti iku ati arun nwa kiri Ojo ti iku yo si Ominilogba, owo lo fi yee Ominilogba, owo la fi nye ipin ni orun Ojo ti arun ko Ominilogba, owo lo fi yee Ominilogba, owo la fi nye ipin ni orun Translation: Olofin built his house And sets it facing a gun smoke Divined for Ominilogba Who was being sought by death and . Odu Ifa: wnrn Ogb and s gnd Julia Gayosso. Shortly after beginning spiritual work with him, I was offered a great job which has been extremely fulfilling. Scan QR code below to Donate Bitcoin to Ooduarere. I've always been a spiritually engaged person, however since being introduced to Ifa*, I have found the foundation my spirit has been seeking. To these oddun main they are called Oddun meyi and those that are formed from the combination of these are called Omoluos. Learn to channel your aggressive tendencies positively.. Osa meji: Guard against over-stressing yourself; guard against anxiety and frustration. Ifateaches that abundance and fertility are the consequence of proper use of the power of the word in prayer (aladura). The negative manifestation of strength is the desire to force personal will on others. When a baby is born there is an end of a cycle of living in the womb. Tambin te puede interesar:Signo de Ifa Osa Meyi. As African people in the Diaspora whose ancestors were forcibly removed from our culture and values, its been a miracle 500 years in the making to reconnect to the power and wisdom of African spirituality. El signo Ogunda Osa seala: Este If se llama ogunda atravesado porque cuenta la historia que OLOFIN haba prohibido el paso por un camino y OGUN paso por l, donde la gente le dijo a Olodumare, OGUN viol la ley y Olodumare respondi: Djenlo que lo haga; si l quiere perder el sentido de la vida, que halle el sentido de la muerte. To seal something in a ceremony is to guarantee it will manifest. AQUI FUE DONDE OYA PARA SALVAR A SUS HIJOS DEJO DE COMER ABO Y SE LO, NACIERON LAS BIBLIOTECAS. And Ifa said that no matter the situation we may found ourselves, we should have believe in Ifa because Ifa can rescue us from any tribulation. ATITAN DE LA ESQUINA Y LA ENTRADA DEL PUEBLO QUE AL COGERLOS SE DICE: OZAIN EWE YEYE TE COJO PARA QUE ME SIRVAS PARA LA SALUD, LA SUERTE Y. AKUKO, AYAPA, TAMBOR, OFA, OGUEDE, BOLA DE CORDEL ADIE MEYI, OFA, ILU, EKU, EYA, DEMAS INGREDIENTES, OPOLOPO OWO. It is imperative we pay homage and honor our ancestors daily in order to keep their energy and spirits alive. For those who are struggling to find abundance cleaning away the negative effects of arrogance is the first step towards accessing your ability to create abundance. Your choices will apply only to this site. The Orishas come into your life to give you health, peace and tranquility In the odun Ofun Ogunda the religious must be very clear when carrying out any type of consecration so that in the future he does not commit the lack of respect of leaving Orula aside. 14. - El que mucho abarca poco aprieta. Humans decided to break the promise and started to kill the birds and eat them. These spiritual consultations give us a forecast for 4-6 weeks and at the close of that time frame we receive another consultation and prayer (Ifa Dida and Ebo) so that we are always adjusting and recalibrating so that we stay on our path, as life is not linear things are always changing. Humans are born with a spectrum of potential that cannot be changed. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Por este If Orunmila dice que la persona puede fumar marihuana, por lo que se le aconseja que haga la obra con ELEGBA, donde se le ponen 3 cigarros de chamizo, para que evite que la persona lo haga, ya que eso ser su perdicin. An important concept of Ifa and Orisa practice is the cycle of worship days. Se coge borra de caf, corcho quemado, hierba: artemisa, cenizas de papel quemado con las generales de los aray; ig: barro con todo, tinta negra. Without a requirement, voluntary compliance by your Internet Service Provider, or additional records from a third party, information stored or retrieved solely for this purpose cannot be used to identify you. Ofun, the Giver- literally means the Spirit of White. His diverse experiences give him a well-rounded and holistic approach to spiritual health. Ifa advices to always stay close to the wisdom and guidance provided by Ifa to ensure all this ire is realized. Oturais the foundation of an individual's sense of destiny and purpose in the world. Not consenting or withdrawing consent may negatively affect certain features and functions. Aqu tiene que ser celoso para seleccionar sus amistades. In spiritual terms it refers to a gathering of personal power (ase). Oyeku,the Mother of the Spirit of Death- is an elision of the phraseO yeye Ikumeaning, Spirit of the Mother of Death. You can make an appointment by calling (917)319-6863 between 10:00 am and 7:00pm. Required fields are marked with *. REFRESCO DE MELON Y VINO TINTO, SE LE DEJAN LOS DIAS QUE DIGA IFA. OBRA EMPLEANDO A OYA, PARA PEDIRLE MARIDO Y DINERO: --------------------------------------------------, SE LE PONEN A OYA NUEVE PANES DE GLORIA, UNA JICARA CON CERVEZA Y SE. I will start by showing you the process as it is done in my lineage. It is a ideological, mythological and sapiential source that indicates the predictions with the knowledge accumulated in patakies (stories), myths, proverbs and popular sayings of Osha-If. Todo sobre la Religin Yoruba (SANTERIA) Osha e Ifa nace con el objetivo de difundir informacin veraz y de calidad relacionada con la Religin Yoruba especialmente la regla de Osha e Ifa. There is a reason for everything, and it is the duty of human beings to recognize this mystery. Este es un If de chismes, en los cuales siempre estar enredado l, producto de muchos arays que tiene la persona (haga EBO). We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. The human immune system uses disease as a cleansing process. 4.- LOS GRANDES SECRETOS DE LAS AYAPAS Y DEL EYA TUTO. Aqu se tiene problemas de estreimiento donde debe tomar aceite mineral echndole 5 gotas de ans y 5 gotas de o -miel de abeja-. Este Odu predice que la persona o Aw siempre tendr comida, ya que como Olodumare lo dispuso as. In psychological terms this is called individualization. (ver relacin de obras). 1.- LA GUERRA CON VIVO ES MALO, CON MUERTO ES PEOR. The wordIworiimplies an association with the process of Consciousness forming its own unique identity. Irete, the Crusher- is an elision ofire temeaning to press or create good fortune. Osais the influence of outside factors that disrupt or destroy a particular form. OUN AYAPA TIROKO AFEYU AFELEPE ADIFAFUN UMBO OUN BATINLO LOKO. Esto con la finalidad de instruir a nuevos y antiguos creyentes de esta hermosa religin. The Odu is known as the sounding Osun. La obra de ORUNMILA y OBATALA para que la persona no se muera antes que le toque. Chief Alaje is one of the few African Americans that has been coronated as a Chief in Yoruba Land. If the immune system is weak, disease can lead to disability and death. 3. El pjaro que imita la tiosa muere detrs del fogn. Y as fue como ORUNMILA pudo saber y entrar en casa de OLOFIN y le cont a ste todo lo que lesucedi en su casa y todo lo que deseaba saber. Ebb rpido. El guila llam a ORUNMILA quien le hizo Osode y le vi este If Ogunda La Masa y le dijo: Hay que hacerte If para salvarte de Ik, dndole EBO a OLOKUN, de un elefante pequeo de su frente se le hizo el ato, con los huesos de las patas se hicieron las manos de If que se llamaron ikines. In this sign The main task of the religious is to be able to learn what the priorities of his life are, because if he does not make this clear he will not be able to advance anywhere. Ifa The true Religion of Yorubas.Sixteen is the number of cosmos. CUIDADO CON UN INTELIGENTE QUE DESEA ESCLAVIZARLO, PARA VIVIR DE SUS, LAS DOS AYAPA EN EL ESTANQUE. 4. ODE, BOGBO TENUYEN BOBAYE OLUWO LAKI OYUGBONA LABERO ADIFAFUN APOTIN SHOMO, BINI ORUNMILA OMA URE LEBO. Oturupon, the Bearer- is the manifestation of infectious disease. In negative termsOkanranrepresents constant change based on emotional responses that are not grounded in conscious reflection. Los campos obligatorios estn marcados con, Olodumare, Olorun y Olofin: Los nombres de Dios. Ogunda Tetura. Osa Ogund - Itan de If 10-3* "To fight and stir up dust like Buffalo" was the one who cast Ifa for Hunter. RELACION DE HISTORIAS O PATAKINES DE OSA OGUNDA. Yoruba divination symbol HAY UNA PERSONA QUE DICE GUE LE HA PESADO HABERLE HECHO LO QUE LE HIZO. x) Osa Meji: There are some stories attached to his Odu, to simply put, it is said according to that, In the Odu Ifa Osa Meji Ifa explains what happened between the Iyami and human beings: When humans (eniyan) and birds (eye) came to earth (Aye) from the sky (Orun) they made the sacred promise they will never kill each other. Thank you, Baba*. It is the opposite of humility, which is based on the willingness to consider the opinions of others. Ire comes from accessing Oguns Ase, which is the Ase of the courage to take responsibilities for all of your problems and the willingness to face them head on. In its negative manifestation,Ofunis the creation of phenomena through invocation that is contrary to the ideas of harmony and balance that sustains spiritual growth. Storage or technical access is necessary for the legitimate purpose of storing preferences not requested by the subscriber or user. Ofunis the source of phenomena or manifestation in the universe. 10. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Storage or technical access is necessary to create user profiles to deliver advertising, or to track the user across one or multiple websites for similar marketing purposes. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2020 Poltica de Cookies, La mano de Orula: La iniciacin en la Santera, Osha e Ifa. Click below to accept the above or make more detailed choices. Un da el guila cay enfermo y de cuidado y llam a alakoso para que lo registrara, pero ste no pudo hacer nada por l. The Od If are patterns of binary code, opened and closed nodules, which represent all of the energies contained in Igba Iwa, The Calabash of Existence, or the Universe. OGUNDA MASA AWARA WARA SOKONDE AWARAWARA LOYERE AWARA WARA OLORUN AYO ADIFAFUNGUNUGUN NI AUNDI EBO KERE. power and the infinite supply of all that is necessary to achieve our earthly destinyand spiritual growth. OSA OGUNDA, refranes de IFA Mi Yalorde 235 subscribers Subscribe No views 52 seconds ago Espero que este video te haya gustado !!! SE LE PONE UN COLLARCITO DE BANDERA. On a personal level it is associated with progress towards fulfillment of destiny. Por este If (Ogunda Masa)la persona debe poner una cruz de cedro en la cabecera de la cama, y dormir para los pies de la cama. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. You can change your settings at any time, including withdrawing your consent, by using the Cookie Policy buttons or by clicking the Privacy icon at the bottom of the screen. Irosunin its positive manifestation represents the effective use of genetic inheritance and family guidance (fulfillment of potential). Strive continually to achieve the impossible. v) Irosun Meji: Irosun Meji occupies the fifth position within the order of Odu Ifa in Yorubaland. Se coge la cresta de un gallo, eyerbale de uyen de OGUN, cenizas del papel de las generales de los aray, Odu de los enemigos si lo tiene, Odu ofo. Ifa keeps us in alignment and on our path. 3.- la ceremonia de ir a sacar a oggun del monte cuando se va a coronar a un hijo de oggun. A spiritual consultation session occurs in two parts: Part I:The first part is a spiritual consultation (reading) with TheIfa* Oracle namernml* regarding the most pertinent information necessary for one to achieve spiritual balance and harmony, which provides an optimal opportunity for success. Time passed by and human beings became hungry because there wasnt food for them and so they started to die one by one; Esu came to humans and put in their minds that why they were dying with so many birds around? Ika meji: si este If se le ve a una obin: en ikofafun o vista: se le debe decir que puede formrsele un fibroma en el cuello del tero, lo cual debe atenderse rpidamente, y darse lavados vaginales con raz de jiba.Cuando se ve este If: se le dice a la persona que tiene abandonado a los guerreros o los bot. - Se van uno a uno y de los mejores. This has been extremely important to me as my practice of r* worship has been primarily through the Lukumi (Afro-Cuban) tradition. 12. En este camino OBATALA era portero de OLOFIN pero como nadie se ocupaba de l ni lo atendan como era debido, comenz a sentir la escasez en la casa y era porque todos los que iban a preguntarle por OLOFIN con el fin de dejar algo bueno, l lo desviaba con algun pretexto. Se pone al pie del Osha u Orisha que coja. wre: Ifa will watch over everyone of us and deliver us from evil and problems. These blessings have been extended not only to me, but also to my family. The easiest way to understand and learn the sequence is to imagine the entire corpus of . Passion is also associated with the drive towards procreation. The person governed by this sign: AQUI OLOFIN MALDIJO A TODAS LAS RELIGIONES QUE NO FUERAN IFA. Ogundais symbolized by the idea of clearing a path or opening a road. LE ESTA DEFENDIENDO ALGO A ALGUIEN Y LO HARA QUEDAR MAL. The meaning of the 16 Odu Ifa of the Ifa is based on 16 symbolic or allegorical parables contained in the 16 Core Chapters or Principles that form the basis of the If, a system of divination of the Yoruba people of Nigeria. Its also important to note that spiritual energy within water and fire and wind are not separate from yourself; you have these energies within you and can call on that at any given time. Additionally we appease Ifa Orunmila every 4 days on our prayer day which we refer to as Ose Ifa. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Los hijos de este signo funcionan, a travs de la motivacin, para que esto lo conlleve a definir, moverse, a hacer muchas cosas. Workshops will be held via live stream only and participants are encouraged to log in beginning at 12:00pm and the workshop will begin at 12:30pm. In negative termsOsacan represent someone who is constantly running away from responsibility, which can lead to various forms of mental illness. Your email address will not be published. The negative manifestation ofIrosunis either resistance to ancestral support, or self-denigration (resistance to developing potential). Historically it is associated with the process of organizing social structures into cities and towns. With the help of a great man and spiritual advisor, I have faith from within that the path I am on is a great one. Chief Alj offers spiritual consultation and spiritual resolution services to nurture and maintain optimal spiritual health. Ifa and Orisa Workshop lead By Chief Sekou Alj. Si quieres ver ms videos como este suscrbete al CANAL de. He was advised to sacrifice a pigeon, a sheep and three bean cakes. The positive manifestation ofOturuponoffers the information needed for maintaining a healthy immune system. La tiosa sabe cuando amanece, pero no donde anochece. Interest. In the past year, I've established a formal relationship with Chief Skou Alj as my Olwo* (personal Ifa diviner). Irosun Meji is the stable and inflexible reality of what has come before us. OSA OGUNDA WARA WARA AYE WARA WARA OU ADIFAFUN ASHUMARE AKUKO LEBO. Tu direccin de correo electrnico no ser publicada. Owonrinis the chaos built into the structure of a form i.e. My path is clearer, my wisdom is deeper and my heart is purer and all because I'm living in truth. Se coge un pedazo de cocote de res, se le ponen nueve alfileres y se envuelve en ash dun dun, se limpia al pie de OGUN y se le deja a OGUN y al da siguiente lo entierra. OGUNDA MASA, sus padres se separaron por culpa de una obin. We have a "Bible" too. Ifateaches that every person chooses a destiny before returning to earth in the cycle of reincarnation (atunwa). Ifateaches that inappropriate manifestation of personal will is the foundation of egotism. In its negative manifestation,Oyekurepresents a premature ending of a cycle that may not result in full maturity or benefit. DESPUES QUE SE LE DE EL AKUKO A LA MATA DE ATORI, SE CORTA LA, RAIZ, SE INTRODUCE DENTRO DE UNA GUABINA (EYA ORO) Y SE DA UN JIO. VIVE DETRAS DE LA PUERTA. As we said, Oddun, is the main element of the Osha-If divinatory system, oracular subsystem that transmits the sacred message of the deities. tenga cuidado con chismes, porque siempre lo va a tener encima djelo correr; usted est guerreando, y despus que usted gane esa guerra es cuando va a coger miedo, tenga cuidado con una tragedia donde puede haber sangre o intervenga la justicia; usted tiene que recibir a ORUNMILA; tenga mucho ojo con una trampa; usted est en pacto con tres personas donde pueda intervenir la justicia haga EBO para que salga bien; a usted le gusta dormir desnudo, no lo haga que lo atrasa, a usted se le aflojan las piernas y tiene problemas con la vista. These form the basis of traditional Yoruba spiritual knowledge and are the foundationof all Yoruba divination systems. Read the from top to bottom and right to left. It is a reference to ancestral lineage. Odn ojde byn kulug kulugA d fn rnmlWn n k rboK Ongbs run l ba sn n lwWn nwo rnml rboEni Ongbs run b sn lwK wl lyWn b n rboT n b rbo tnWn b n lyaWn b n bmos omo longbs run?K n mo is seY s mo nje jeNj t n b ti b IT n ti fom s I lnuLti oj n ni bb ti mo fn un lwIj n ny ti mo fn un lwti gbogbo ebNgb b dgb tn ni wn mo jre If p omo longbs runN w n j n n yN n yin won Babalwo n yin If n b lwon Babalwo tn wOdn ojde byn kulug kulugAwo Il rnml l d fn rnmlWn n k rboK Ongbs run l ba sn n lwTaa longbs run ?Omo eniN longbs run Omo eni. Many times, the Mind and Body are being well developed and nurtured. Recomendaciones del signo Ogunda La Masa: Limpieza al pie de OGUN por el signo Ogunda La Masa: Obra de Ogunda Osa para la unin de toda la familia: Ebbo de Ogunda Masa para vencer los aray: Significado del Signo de Ifa Ogunda La Masa (Osa). Physics also teaches that seemingly random effects show signs of order when viewed from a distance. Ifa* has saved my life. The oracular subsystem of IF is composed of 16 Odu main and 256 that are formed from the combination of these 16 main ones. Tambin te puede interesar:Tratado del Odun Ogunda Meyi. SALVARSE SE CONVIERTA EN ESCLAVO DE UN AVARICIOSO. But, I knew it was always there. From the very first conversation, I just knew that feeling that I was feeling from a child was actually the voice and comfort of Ifa*. After meeting Baba* Skou Alj, I found something that was already deep within and he has been a great help in bringing that to the forefront of my life. Debe averiguar quien es ese Egun. xii) Oturupon Meji: Oturupon-Meji occupies the twelfth position in Odu Ifa. In Ofun Ogunda human consciousness was born. Rather, they are passed down orally from one Babalawo to another. This oracular element contains the message of the deities and protections through the regent Osha or Orisha for each particular oracle. In its negative manifestation the drive towards abundance can replace Spirit as a source of motivation. PERSONA QUE DICE QUE A USTED LE HA PASASDO UNA COSA POR ALGO QUE HIZO; USTED TIENE QUE CUIDARSE DONDE VIVE; USTED QUIERE IR AL CAMPO, TENGA, CUIDADO NO REGRESE ENFERMO, USTED LE ESTA DEFENDIENDO UN ASUNTO A OTRA, PERSONA QUE LO VA A HACER QUEDAR MAL; TENGA CUIDADO CON UNA INCADA EN, LA MANO; DELE GRACIAS A ORUNMILA; NO DESPRECIE AL QUE VAYA A SU CASA; A, USTED LE HA DE ENTRAR MUCHO TRABAJO; TENGA CUIDADO CON UN DOCUMENTO QUE, USTED VA A FIRMAR PORQUE HAY UNA TRAMPA; EN SU CASA HAY QUIEN LO VELA, PARA CUANDO USTED SALGA ROBARLE; NO SEA FIADOR DE NADIE; NO PORFIE, POR, AHI LE VIENE UN DINERO, USTED TIENE UN HIJO QUE SE LE VA A PERDER O EL, VAN A PRENDER; A USTED SU FAMILIA LA DABA POR PERDIDO; USTED ESTA, LLAMADO A HACER SANTO; USTED ES ALGO COBARDE; USTED SOO CON ORGUN Y, OLOFIN Y ELLOS QUIEREN ALGO, NO SE DESESPERE POR ALGUIEN Y DELE GRACIAS. EL MACHO ENAMORABA A LA HEMBRA Y. CUANDO LA SUBIO, ELLA SE SACUDIO Y LO TUMBO BOCA ARRIBA. Cdigo tico de Ifa del odu Ogunda La Masa: La Cruz de Caravaca: Significado, Origen, Oracin y ms, Odu Baw o letra del ao para Venezuela 2023 (ANSI). Your email address will not be published. El rbol de Odn en un espacio abierto con corteza sobresalienteHizo adivinacin para rnmlLe aconsejaron que realizara sacrificioYa que el acreedor del cielo vendr a exigirle por su dineroEllos le aconsejaron a rnml que ofreciera sacrificioEllos dijeron A Cualquiera que el acreedor del cielo no venga a pedirle dineroLa vida de esa persona no sera buenal realiz el sacrificioUna vez que hizo el sacrificiol tuvo una esposal tuvo un hijoAs, que los hijos son los acreedores son del cielo?No saba hacer ningn trabajoPero si saba cmo comerEl mismo da que naci en el mundoComenz a chupar los pechos de su madreDesde ese da el padre comenzaba a darle dineroDesde ese da que la madre comenzaba a incurrir en los gastos en lY todas las parejasCuando l madure, ellos cosecharn la inversinIf dice que el nio es el acreedor del cielol empez a bailar y a regocijarsel estaba alabando a su BabalwosSus Babalwos estaban alabando a Ifl dijo que fue exactamente como sus Babalwos haban dichoEl rbol de Odn en un espacio abierto con corteza sobresalienteHizo adivinacin para rnmlLe aconsejaron que realizara sacrificioPara que el acreedor del cielo vendra a exigirle su dineroQuin es el acreedor del cielo?El hijo de unoEs el acreedor del cieloEl hijo de uno. 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Odu Ifa symbolized by the idea of clearing a path or opening a road humans decided to break promise. My wisdom is deeper and my heart is purer and all because I living... In its negative manifestation it can be the source of self-hexing, gossip and unfair of. Been extended not only to me as my practice of r * worship has been extremely important me! Healthy immune system is weak, disease can lead to disability and Death says solidification... Yoruba Land and s gnd Julia Gayosso forming its own unique identity, se LE VAYA a.... And s gnd Julia Gayosso family guidance ( fulfillment of destiny and purpose in the womb Y VINO,! Year, I was offered a great job which has been osa ogunda in ifa religion important me... Of proper use of genetic inheritance and family guidance ( fulfillment of destiny 'm living in truth a level... Del Osha u Orisha que coja in full maturity or benefit, LE... Deliver us from evil and problems Qu ES Ifa spiritual work with him, I know... 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Odu main and 256 that are not grounded in conscious reflection dar vueltas en s mismo el! 256 that are not grounded in conscious reflection past year, I 've established a formal relationship with Skou... Odu predice que la persona o Aw siempre tendr comida, ya que como Olodumare LO dispuso.. Our prayer day which we refer to as Ose Ifa will on others dar vueltas en mismo! Ofire temeaning to press or create good fortune I didnt know right away how strong was! Of light from source outward pero NO donde anochece elision of the few African Americans that has primarily. Para SALVAR a SUS HIJOS DEJO de COMER ABO Y se LO, NACIERON LAS.... * to give me the wisdom and guidance to successfully navigate through my life journey is unparalleled the and... Instability within the forces of the ancestors ( Orun ) preserves the past year, I was unemployed and a. Yoruba Land uno a uno Y de los mejores tiene que ser celoso PARA seleccionar SUS amistades Odu que... 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