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His recent studies are designed to combine CRISPR/Cas13 technologies with nanotechnology to target undruggable transcription factors in cancers and host proteases for controlling SARS-CoV-2 infection. What followed was a public outcry and human flesh search for the ex-husband, Wang Fei, and his girlfriend. , He, Huiling, Wei Li, Dayong Wu, Rebecca Nagy, Sandya Liyanarachchi, Keiko Akagi, Jaroslaw Jendrzejewski, et al. Dr. Qianben Wang earned his Ph.D. in 2002 from the University of Maryland School of Medicine under the supervision of Dr. Joseph Fondell. Reported by Duke Pathology News: Yuan Receives DoD Early Investigator Research Award.. Duke [University] is a place for "cultivating oneself" and "nurturing . Dr. Wang's laboratory is primarily interested in understanding the transcriptional and epigenetic mechanisms driving progression of hormone-dependent cancers as well as the role of host proteases in coronavirus infection. Zhongs paper entitled Transcription recycling assays identify PAF1 as a driver for RNA Pol II recycling was accepted by Nature Communications. A detective tracks down a gang of criminals ten years after they initially evaded arrest. Neighbors speculated that she might be away from the city. "We have purged the graffiti, and are preparing to whitewash the wall," said Dai Guilan, a senior woman in charge of the residential committee of Zhenjiang Road, where Wang's home is. Welcome, Jinjin! , Chen, Hongyan, Jianlin Ma, Benjamin Sunkel, Aiping Luo, Fang Ding, Yi Li, Huan He, et al. Omega-3 or n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) are widely studied for health benefits that may relate to anti-inflammatory activity. Staats Lab Receives NIH Funding for Adjuvant Comparison Contract. David Frankhouser (co-supervised by Drs. Zhifen orally presented Cas13d knockdown of lung protease Ctsl prevents and treats SARS-CoV-2 infection at Department of Pathology Retreat on October 15, 2022 at 21C Museum Hotel, Durham, NC. Kexin received her B. S. from Guangxi Normal University and her M.S. , Chen, Zhong, Xun Lan, Dayong Wu, Benjamin Sunkel, Zhenqing Ye, Jiaoti Huang, Zhihua Liu, Steven K. Clinton, Victor X. Jin, and Qianben Wang. Chunpeng published an article entitled Definition of a FoxA1 Cistrome That Is Crucial for G1 to S-Phase Cell-Cycle Transit in Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer in Cancer Research. , Sun, Tong, Qianben Wang, Steven Balk, Myles Brown, Gwo-Shu Mary Lee, and Philip Kantoff. Dietary omega-3 fatty acid intake impacts peripheral blood DNA methylation -anti-inflammatory effects and individual variability in a pilot study. These findings identify Pol II recycling as a potential target in cancer and demonstrate the applicability of in vitro and cellular transcription assays to characterize Pol II recycling in other disease states. Not kidding. Qianben serves as a PI to provide oversight for Project 2 tasks and outreach and administrative activities. Most cases are people looking for lost relatives or friends. He said he does not need police protection," said Liu Guoxiang, a police officer in the Qingdao Public Security Bureau. There are 60+ professionals named "Qianyuan Wang", who use LinkedIn to exchange information, ideas, and opportunities. , Zhang, Yuexing, Joseph D. Fondell, Qianben Wang, Xianmin Xia, Aiwu Cheng, Michael L. Lu, and Anne W. Hamburger. Helen Haft explains how the Orthodox Church has eroded freedom of the media and lobbied for the 2013 law against offending religious feelings. Powered by VIVO, Assistant Professor of International Relations at Duke Kunshan University, Presidential extraversion: Understanding the politics of Sino-African mega-infrastructure projects, Executive Agency and State Capacity in Development: Comparing Sino-African Railways in Kenya and Ethiopia, Clientelism at work? Room 1027A, Gsrb1, Box #103864,, Durham, NC 27710 Contact Contact Us 888-ASK-DUKE (888-275-3853 . Welcome, Zhifen! , Wang, Qianben, Wei Li, X Shirley Liu, Jason S. Carroll, Olli A. Jnne, Erika Krasnickas Keeton, Arul M. Chinnaiyan, Kenneth J. Pienta, and Myles Brown. Bills paper entitled Prostate cancer cell phenotypes remain stable following PDE5 inhibition in the clinically relevant range was the most downloaded, Chen Receives National Cancer Institute R50 Research Specialist Award., Yuan Receives DoD Early Investigator Research Award, https://pathology.duke.edu/news/wang-co-organizes-san-antonio-duke-cancer-systems-biology-symposium, http://molecularmedicine.uthscsa.edu/CSBC_U54.aspx, Duke Pathology Featured at AACR Meeting in Atalanta, New Postdoc fellows ready to dive into genomic research, Hankey Selected NIH T32 Post-Doc Training Program, Diverse AR-V7 cistromes in castration-resistant prostate cancer are governed by HoxB13, HoxB13 mediates AR-V7 activity in prostate cancer, Researchers Identify Promising New Drug Target for Lethal Prostate Cancer, Research Points to Promising New Target in Prostate Cancer, https://www.cancer.gov/about-nci/organization/dcb/research-programs/csbc/announcement. , Wang, Hongyan, Chunpeng Zhang, Anna Rorick, Dayong Wu, Ming Chiu, Jennifer Thomas-Ahner, Zhong Chen, et al. PBMC DNAm profiling suggests a mechanism whereby n-3 PUFAs may impact inflammatory cascades associated with disease processes including carcinogenesis. On 10 December 2008 he told local media that any developer selling property below its actual cost would be prosecuted a very sensitive issue in China given the high property prices. If you see a problem with the information, please write to Scholars@Duke and let us know. They should give you a rough idea of what the contributor has said, but cannot be relied on to give an accurate, nuanced translation. In 1997, she became the first woman to be elected as a prime minister in China. Multiple functional variants in long-range enhancer elements contribute to the risk of SNP rs965513 in thyroid cancer. We express ourselves openly and with robust civility about all kinds of human difference. from Shanghai Normal University (Joint training with Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics) and Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry from University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. There has been some debate in China about how to regulate human flesh searches. Qianben received an OSU Pelotonia Idea Grant with our Co-PI, Dr. Steven Clinton. In conjunction with the NCI visit to the San Antonio-Duke University Research Center for Cancer Systems Biology on April 19th, 2019, Drs. Knowledge gaps remain on how nucleosome organization and dynamic reorganization are governed by specific pioneer factors in a genome-wide manner. Qianben obtained a NCI R01 grant. After trying to mediate between Chinese students and Free Tibet groups on campus, a video of her appeared online and she was branded a "race traitor" to the Chinese people. Both Wang Yu and Li Yongjun lost their jobs as a result of the human flesh search. Dr. Wang joined the Department of Pathology at Duke University School of Medicine as a Professor with tenure in December, 2017. , He, Housheng Hansen, Clifford A. Meyer, Hyunjin Shin, Shannon T. Bailey, Gang Wei, Qianben Wang, Yong Zhang, et al. Cas13d knockdown of lung protease Ctsl prevents and treats SARS-CoV-2 infection. Pathway analysis identified significantly hypermethylated signaling networks after n-3 PUFA treatment, such as the Toll-like Receptor inflammatory pathway. Duke University Qianben was invited to serve on the Editorial Board of Molecular Cancer Research (AACR journal). About Qian Wang, D.O. Center PIs presented project progress at the virtual meeting. 0000004974 00000 n
Zhifen Cui from Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences joined the lab as a postdoctoral fellow. Welcome to Qianben Wang's laboratory. After the 2008 earthquake in Sichuan, Zhang Ya posted a video of herself online, complaining that her favourite TV shows were interrupted by the earthquake reportage. Contact the Duke WordPress team. Fuwen Yuan from Peking University joined the lab as a postdoctoral fellow. A glutaminase isoform switch drives therapeutic resistance and disease progression of prostate cancer. Computational analysis reveals a correlation of exon-skipping events with splicing, transcription and epigenetic factors. 0000002557 00000 n
In Mouse Study, CRISPR Technology Used to Prevent, Treat COVID Infections, CRISPR Technology Demonstrates Success in Preventing and Treating COVID, New treatment in development at Duke shows promise against COVID-19, Novel Tumor Suppressive Role of Phosphodiesterases in Prostate Cancer, Researchers Identify Promising New Drug Target for Lethal Prostate Cancer, Cell and Molecular Biology Training Program, Targeting oncogenomic function of N-Myc to inhibit neuroendocrine prostate cancer visceral metastasis, Computational and Experimental Modeling of Alternative Polyadenylation, Systems analysis of the prostate cancer epigenome, Role of JMJD1A modifications in castration resistance of prostate cancer, Exploiting Ferroptosis for the Treatment of RB1-Deficient Lethal Prostate Cancer, Targeting the Oncogenomic Function of the E2F8 Transcription Factor in Lethal Cancer, Adjuvant Comparison for Peanut Allergy Immunotherapy, Targeting neuroendocrine prostate cancer by engineering 3' untranslated regions, FOXA2-targeted organ-selective nanotherapy for prostate cancer visceral metastasis, Role of oncogenic phosphorylated MED1 in aggressive prostate cancer, Systems Analysis of Epigenomic Architecture in Cancer Progression (Outreach Core), University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Systems Analysis of Epigenomic Architecture in Cancer Progression (Administrative Core), Systems Analysis of Epigenomic Architecture in Cancer Progression (Project 2: Fine-scale nucleosome repositioning of enhancers for hormone-independent genomic function), Novel genomic mechanism for ligand-dependent transcription by androgen receptor, Targeting castration-resistant prostate cancer by engineering 3'UTR, Systems Analysis of Epigenomic Architecture in Cancer Progression (Carryover), Organization and Function of Cellular Structure, Population/single-cell profiling of chromatin accessibility for hormone-dependent cancers. Please read the Duke Wordpress Policies. Powered by VIVO, Jeon, Hee-Young, Majid Pornour, Hyunju Ryu, Sudeep Khadka, Rui Xu, Jihyun Jang, Deqiang Li, et al. Shaping Chromatin States in Prostate Cancer by Pioneer Transcription Factors. The project is entitled Novel Tumor Suppressive Role of Phosphodiesterases in Prostate Cancer. , Chen, Zhong, Chunpeng Zhang, Dayong Wu, Hongyan Chen, Anna Rorick, Xiaoting Zhang, and Qianben Wang. , Yuan, Fuwen, William Hankey, Eric J. Wagner, Wei Li, and Qianben Wang. Ben received an award for Outstanding Poster Presentation at the annual Life Sciences Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs (IGP) Symposium. Qian Wang, D.O. , Huang, Furong, Hongyan Chen, Xiaolin Zhu, Tongyang Gong, Xukun Li, William Hankey, Hongyan Wang, Zhong Chen, Qianben Wang, and Zhihua Liu. Importantly, MED1 phosphorylation increases during prostate cancer progression to the lethal phase, and pharmacological inhibition of CDK9 decreases prostate tumor growth by decreasing MED1 phosphorylation and Pol II recycling. Chromatin-associated APC regulates gene expression in collaboration with canonical WNT signaling and AP-1. We will work with Dr. Wei Li (PI) to study alternative polyadenylation by using computational and experimental modeling. Zhongs paper entitled Agonist and antagonist switch DNA motifs recognized by human androgen receptor in prostate cancer was accepted by EMBO J. July 2014 December 2013 Yuan Wang Assistant Professor of International Relations at Duke Kunshan University Current Appointments & Affiliations Assistant Professor of International Relations at Duke Kunshan University, DKU Faculty , Duke Kunshan University 2022 Assistant Professor of the Practice, DKU Visiting Faculty , Duke University 2022 Contact Information Zhifens poster also won the 1st Prize at the Poster Contest. Conducted interviews with senior executives and negotiated with general counsel during due diligence of a $200M business process . Private netizens initiate these searches out of their personal conviction, while the Red Guard movement was politically motivated and strongly backed by the government and Mao Tsetung. Qianben received a 2012 Endocrine Society Early Investigators Award. | Terms of Use | Ben and Dayongs paper entitled Integrative analysis identifies targetable CREB1/FoxA1 transcriptional co-regulation as a predictor of prostate cancer recurrence was accepted by Nucleic Acids Research. Qianben was invited to deliver a lecture at the Vancouver Prostate Cancer Centre in Canada. . Watch on Apple devices, streaming platforms, and smart TVs. Together with other award recipients , Qianben and Hongyan celebrated their 5 years of service at Duke Department of Pathology on August 9. aking a puff on a new inhaler can stop you getting COVID, Duke Med researcher on new COVID approach:This is just to prevent the virus to enter the cell, Prepping treatments for COVID regardless of mutation. Caught in Time: Directed by Ho-Leung Lau. Furongs paper entitled The oncogenomic function of androgen receptor in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma is directed by GATA3 was accepted by Cell Research. Qianyuan Wang was born on June 23, 1972 in Shenyang, Liaoning, China. Reported by Duke Pathology News: Postdoctoral fellow in Wang Lab receives DoD Early Investigator Award., Reported by DCI News: Huang receives DoD prostate cancer research award.. Proof-of-principle experiments identified PAF1 complex components among recycling factors and detected defective transcriptional output from Pol II recycling following PAF1 depletion. The title of his talk was Epigenomic approaches to discover transcriptional vulnerabilities of prostate cancer. Assistant Professor of International Relations at Duke Kunshan University. Ying Ying Lee from Chinese University of Hong Kong joined us as a Visiting Scholar. July 2012 Qianben was invited to speak at the NCI Cancer Systems Biology Consortium Annual Meeting (Boston, Massachusetts). , Chen, Kaifu, Zhong Chen, Dayong Wu, Lili Zhang, Xueqiu Lin, Jianzhong Su, Benjamin Rodriguez, et al. Will it work in people? We decide for ourselves and face the consequences. , Nwachukwu, Jerome C., Paolo Mita, Rachel Ruoff, Susan Ha, Qianben Wang, S Joseph Huang, Samir S. Taneja, et al. By what name was Caught in Time (2020) officially released in India in English? We identified 24,842 differentially methylated CpGs (DMCs) in gene promoters of 5507 genes showing significant enrichment for hypermethylation in both the candidate gene and genome-wide analyses. The multinational advertising agency he and his girlfriend worked for, Saatchi & Saatchi, issued a statement reporting that they both had voluntarily resigned, but Wangs lawyer says they were forced to resign and went into hiding. No Fun to Be a Traitor" were painted on the outside wall of Wang's apartment. Qianben was invited to present on The 12th National Symposium on Prostate Cancer and Dr. Sidney A. McNairy Jr. Student Symposium in Atlanta, GA. Qianben was invited to present on 2018 Duke Basic Science Day: Genomic Determinants for Andorgen Receptor-V7 Oncogenic Function in Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer.. Welcome, Kexin! Qianben Wang Laboratory is powered by WordPress at Duke WordPress Sites. Qianben was awarded a pilot grant from Duke Cancer Institute. December 2011 Mediator activates RNA polymerase II (Pol II) function during transcription, but it remains unclear whether Mediator is able to travel with Pol II and regulate Pol II transcription beyond the initiation and early elongation steps. "I don't think the parents of Wang Qianyuan should take the blame for whatever the girl does abroad," said Lou Gan, another colleague of Wang. A case study of Kenyan Standard Gauge Railway project. SMAD3 promotes expression and activity of the androgen receptor in prostate cancer. Knockdown of PRKAR1A, the Gene Responsible for Carney Complex, Interferes With Differentiation in Osteoblastic Cells, S100A14: Novel Modulator of Terminal Differentiation in Esophageal Cancer, Ultra-Rare Mutation in Long-Range Enhancer Predisposes to Thyroid Carcinoma with High Penetrance, ERG induces androgen receptor-mediated regulation of SOX9 in prostate cancer, Cross-talk between HER2 and MED1 Regulates Tamoxifen Resistance of Human Breast Cancer Cells, Mapping mutations in prostate cancer exomes, Integration of Hi-C and ChIP-seq data reveals distinct types of chromatin linkages. But our strategy does not need them to develop the antibody to neutralize the virus., I am working on developing the Nano inhaler to prevent and treat coronavirus infections, Wang added. The internet does not guarantee polarised news, argues Richard Fletcher. CRISPR Technology Demonstrates Success in Preventing and Treating COVID. Duke researchers edit genes to prevent, treat COVID-19 in the lab. If left unofficial, the government cannot be held responsible. Androgen receptor regulates a distinct transcription program in androgen-independent prostate cancer. Reported by Duke Pathology News: Dr. Cas13d knockdown of lung protease Ctsl prevents and treats SARS-CoV-2 infection. For information about COVID-19 testing and care, vaccination, and visitor guidelines at Duke please visit www.dukehealth.org. Arthur Stockwin explains the four main areas where free speech is under threat in Japan. Phospho-MED1-enhanced UBE2C locus looping drives castration-resistant prostate cancer growth. 8Tb%2hM)RL@l
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Dr. Wangs laboratory is primarily interested in understanding the transcriptional and epigenetic mechanisms driving progression of hormone-dependent cancers as well as the role of host proteases in coronavirus infection. 0000000962 00000 n
Movies. They have also maintained "hotline contacts" with the residential committee and Wang's close neighbors for clues of harassment. , Chen, Zhong, Xun Lan, Jennifer M. Thomas-Ahner, Dayong Wu, Xiangtao Liu, Zhenqing Ye, Liguo Wang, et al. Lu Tang joined the lab as a visiting scholar. A collaborative NIH contract entitled Adjuvant Comparison and Characterization was funded. pU4H. Mechanistically, MED31 mediates the recycling of phosphorylated MED1 and Pol II, enhancing mRNA output during the transcription recycling process. Loss of tumor suppressor IGFBP4 drives epigenetic reprogramming in hepatic carcinogenesis. , He, Huiling, Wei Li, Sandya Liyanarachchi, Mukund Srinivas, Yanqiang Wang, Keiko Akagi, Yao Wang, et al. Qianben was invited to deliver lectures (virtual) at Louisiana State University and UNC Chapel Hill. Qianben served as a co-chair of the Nuclear Receptor Function and Co-factors session of the Gordon Research Conference on Hormone-Dependent Cancers (Newry, Maine). Agonist and antagonist switch DNA motifs recognized by human androgen receptor in prostate cancer. Bill presented a poster at the meeting entitled Prostate cancer cell phenotypes are stable following PDE5 inhibition in the clinical range but antagonized by supraphysiological concentrations.. While Wang Feis behaviour may have been immoral and his wifes suicide deeply regrettable, divorces are not uncommon. Birthplace: Shenyang, China. 0000002067 00000 n
PBMCs of women at high risk of breast cancer (n=10) were obtained at baseline and after 6 months of n-3 PUFA (5 g/d EPA+DHA dose arm) intake in a previously reported dose finding trial. Eric Heinze examines the boundary between civil disobedience and desecration. '' with the information, please write to Scholars @ Duke and let us know Fei, and Wang... Lu Tang joined the lab as a postdoctoral fellow where free speech is under threat in Japan assays identify as. Molecular cancer Research ( AACR journal ) Co-PI, Dr. Steven Clinton risk of rs965513! And activity of the media and lobbied for the ex-husband, Wang,! Recycling assays identify PAF1 as a prime minister in China openly and with civility. Platforms, and Qianben Wang & # x27 ; s laboratory eroded freedom of the androgen receptor regulates distinct... Lu Tang joined the lab by Duke Pathology news: Dr. cas13d knockdown of lung protease Ctsl and. 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