Had a bite. Like shade but if you are careful you can grow a nice specimen in full sun.morning or late afternoon sun is safest. Pendent anthuriums refer to anthurium species with their growth tip, or apex, always growing downwards. Large clumping feature . m= Height in metres, F=Frost Resistance, *= Fragrant, **= Native to Australia, Ed=Edible, A,B,C,D= Areas it will grow. 75mm diameter pots. top of page. Great as a border, in a rockery or pot. Good light or morning sun. Had a bite Each growing to about 35 cm on a stout branching stem. Looking for a rewarding rare aroid. Indoor, indirect light position best. You can take them out of the pot in spring and divide each one into 3.so you might get 6 or more new plants! These are sent in a 75mm pot. This plant is something special. This is a hybrid with parents native to Brazil. These plants are in 70mm pots and are about 25cm long and firing on all cylinders. Into winter the flowers turn pinkish. (60cmAbcD) Expect dozens of blooms during Summer! (75cmFmABCD) Withania somnifera, also known as Ashwaganda, Ayurvedic Shrub and Withania. Will grow in all climates. Its dense and compact growth will quickly cover the ground or fill a basket. Flowers from late spring toautumn. And is also excellent as an indoor plant! If you are in a cooler borderline area, you may still be successful if you protect the rhizomes from frost damage with straw mulch. Reported (Sunshine Coast Daily 24/8/97) to be good for Candida and Thrush. This group is for aroids only. (6m**AD) Ptychosperma elegans is an extremely attractive clumping palm, native to Queensland. The foliage attains the attraction by the gigantic, velvety, coriaceous, dark-green leaves with dense light-green to yellow vein pattern. (1mAbcD) Blechnum brasiliense Part shade to full sun if well mulched. Full sun (with plenty moisture) or shade. (VAbcD) Hoya dischorensis. (4,829) $60.50. The plant will stand about 1.5m with 50cm leaves. Amazing bright yellow waxy flowers arranged like a pyramid on top of the white striped leaves with red stems. ..Priced at $12.90 each (200 Parries) or 3 for $35, Long and narrow arrow head shaped foliage. If you want something spectacular that no one else has, get this one. Refunds by law: In Australia, consumers have a legal right to obtain . This is an amazingly beautiful hoya with thick gold solid star shaped flowers and thickish slightly crinkled. Full sun to part shade. 75mm diameter pots. Over 31 years of specialising in rare and unusual plant sales to your door step! Philodendron Brandtianum. Tall stems of fuschia red flowers of full heads on this stunning crucifix. Need moisture & good drainage. Austromyrtus, Callistemon, Eugenia, Feijoa, Kunzea, Leptospermum, Melaleuca, Myrciaria, Psidium, Syzygium, Xanthostemon, Rhodomyrtus. Limit 1 per customer. Best things to do in Arid and Aroids Living Gallery. This is an amazingly beautiful hoya with thick red solid star shaped flowers. Filtered Light to morning sun. The fruit, seeds, and leaves have a number of herbal medicinal uses. Excellent for cut flowers. One night while praying he said Lord Ive worked hard all my lifecould you swap me over for my wife so she can do the hard yacca for a change God said certainly Macca you can start tomorrow. This is a landscaping dream plant! ..Priced at $49, Philodendron Dean McDowell. A Striking miniature bromeliad to 30cm across and low growing. Very interesting and unusual flowers and a sought after herbal plant. Ideal for rock gardens, landscaping, borders and pathways. Your Plants are packaged with love and care to travel the world if need be. Philodendron Spiritus Sancti grows best in well-draining soil that is airy and porous and stays slightly humid. Some years ago, Mr. David Burnett of Sydney, Australia, became the first author to bring a very rare and beautiful aroid, Alocasia guttata var. Friday 10th March, We need your order by 2.00 PM Monday 6th March, QLD time before this date as we go through an intricate Quarantine Inspection process & need to do this in one batch to make the process feasible. Sent in 75mm diameter pots. Will bear extra large abundant red fruit throughout the year in autumn, winter and spring. (35cmABCD) Pellaea hybrid Buckle Fern (Pellaea rotundifolia x Pellaea falcata) is an attractive and native fern that grows to 45cm wide and produces fronds up to 30cm long. This is a most attractive plant for indoor and outdoor use. Shop for Rare Aroids & Wish List Plants. ..Priced at $15.90 each. Sent in 75mm pots. So in the morning Macca got up and made the breakfasts for 5 kids and his wife, made all the lunches got his wife off to work, dropped the kids off to schoolcame home did the washing up, the washing and ironing, cleaned up the house and washed the car. Bright indirect light. $14.60 . We ship Mon-Weds. Will go dormant in winter in cool areas. Attractive lushe broad tropical foliage. We are finding this plant quite cold hardy and is suitable to all frost free climates, otherwise sheltered in winter. Suited to warm and coastal climates. Shade. Branches are held close to the ground making it an excellent screen plant. Won the prestigious Royal Horticultural Society Garden Merit Award 1993. Moist but well drained soil. Indoors, and limited to the confines of a grower pot, houseplants want and need the best inputs possible. Gets a spread of 1m. There are other plants that are not permitted into WA for various reasons. PS Not actually a monstera at all despite the name but is very similar in appearance to other Monstera plants, this one is actually from the Rhaphidophora family. Multibranching and hangs out of a basket with lots and lots of flowers. Some evidence now indicates the chemical process used to . Search. Sent in 75mm pots. Sent in 100mm pots. Aroid Society of Australia. Bright indirect light. It was hoped this would be a short term measure..but the authorities are in no rush to take action that would lead to lift the restriction. Full sun or shade. LittleEmeraldThumb. And that's just the tip of this aroid iceberg.Chris Hall and Arden Dearden have an amazing large exotic home g. Please note you do nothing we do all the work and payments. ..Priced at $8.90 (180 Parries) or 3 for $23. Easy to care for, low maintenance. Fruit also contains significant amounts of vitamin C, vitamin B1, and vitamin B2. Nepenthes are extremely versatile and adaptable to many different growing conditions. * The majority of flowering plants are monecious & produce perfect flowers, meaning that each flower contains male (stamen, anther and pollen) and female parts (stigma, style, ovary and ovules). ..Priced at $12.90 each (350 Parries) or 3 for $33. The Amazon Lily will multiply and makes a luxuriant pot or garden speciman. These include soil, light, water, nutrients, and a little bit of love . Takes light frost. Other plants are monoecious, one house, in which both the female and male reproductive parts are on the same plant. This shrub is both heat and drought tolerant. Plants must be identified with their correct botanical names. (3mAbcD) Chamaedorea seifrizii. ..Priced at $14.90 each (200 Parries), Rarely Available GesneriadMagic Flower. Rare Aroids for Sale Australia The houseplant craze only keeps on growing! Eyecatching and different with the strangest flower you have ever seen! Full sun to part shade. The carbon is stored in the wood and will stay there indefinately provided it is not burnt or rots. I have been collecting Hoyas for 7 years. AU $60.00. This is a rhizomatous plant from the amazing Gesneriad Family. (60cmAbcD) Phlebodium aureum Blue Fern. This is a large Anthurium which when grown in a large pot or in the ground in well drained conditions will be the focal point of your garden. Collectors and suppliers of rare aroids, tropical and indoor plants, succulents & cacti + more >> Postage available within Australia | Plant care information and identification | Buy Now Pay Later with Afterpay | Plant Nursery Far North Queensland Australia | WHOLESALE PLANT PACKS AVAILABLE - Plants For Sale Australia Very attractive indoors or in the garden. Excellent as a border plant! XL Monstera Deliciosa Albo Variegata (Heavy Variegation) Plant . Indirect bright light. *Planting trees contribute to slowing of the Greenhouse effect. Most mild climates. They are very tough and can exist in low light conditions. Shade. Salt tolerant for sea side planting. Starts off with more pink than green and then more green than pink. The bract has red scales and these remain prominent with the pink flowers coming out from under the scales one by one. Phone +49-89-1577902. * So cut the wood & carefully manage the forest,build your home & store the carbon, grow the forest and produce more oxygen and grow more wood & store more carbon .. * If we do not carefully manage our forests in many ways like the Aboriginal people didbut instead think we can keep man out altogether & preserve the forestsand especially think we do not have to control forest fuel levels like the Aboriginals did for thousands of yearsthen we are heading for a forest disaster.with poor numbers of wildlife and relentless accelerated carbon release. Sent in 75mm pots. Sun to light shade. The pulp & seeds have been popular for thousands of years. Slow growing up to 6 meters but requires shelter from strong wind and protection from frost. We are an Australian owned business residing in the beautiful tropics of North Queensland Enquire about wholesale orders, custom arrangements, wedding gifts/bonbonniere or landscaping projects below. Big thick broad leaves with light flecking usually. .Priced at $12.90 each or 3 for $33 (300 Parries). We do not send in 40 mm tubes which are only 25% of the volume. Gorgeous colour. Devonport Fax (03) 6441 5903. Prefers a well drained mix. l hope you enjoy and benefit from the book. These will take warm frostfree temperate conditions & are proven flowerers in Perth WA so will flower at least north of the Sydney-Perth line. Compatible light stands are available if required. Nearly 2 years down the line, large houseplant nurseries and growers have begun to catch up with the high demand for these plant Native to Africa, Mediterranean area, India & Asia. Large flowered pink Cattleya hybrid with darker pink splashing in the petals, similar in style to the attached. Deep green leaves with a striking white stripe running through the middle vein. These rhizomes are mostly fist to half fist size. This fern is an upright form with large bright pink new fronds. Red flowers with chimeras. ..Priced at $12.90 each (200 Parries) or 3 for $33. Upright green fuzzy leaves with serrated edges. Showing 1-24 of 184 results. Recipe to easily Convert Turmeric We get all our plants approved by the State Dept of Agricultures when sending. (30cmABcD) Lovely houseplant with 15cm attractively marked velvety leaves. ..Priced at $12.90 (180 Parries) or 3 for $33. We send plants to all States and Territories of Australia. Ensure you have listed a price, your location and all relevant details in the post itself so any potential buyers are aware. ..Priced at $15.90 each, This one has a wide deep red centre on a large leaf. EdenCPs is a family owned and operated tropical plant nursery specializing in rare, collector plants. Plant is available from Darra (Monday-Friday 6.30-4pm) or Fernvale (on weekends or after 5pm during a week). It is in the Aroid family and is in the group known as Monsteroids. Brasil in particular is quite an unusual plant with lustrous variegation on its pointed foliage against its dark background. Good in the garden or in a tub.Full sun or part shade. Shade. Native to Thailand and Malayasia. This is a fast grower. A spadix is a fleshy kind of spike covered in tiny flowers, sort of like corn on the cob. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON WA, TAS & NT ORDERS PLEASE GO TO THE VERY BOTTOM OF THIS CATALOGUE AND THE FAQs. The flower stalk reaches 1m bearing many white 6 petalled flowers with a tricoloured stamen from yellow to purple and white at the tip. ..Priced at $29 each There are heaps of these tiny flowers on each head and heaps of heads! Bright indirect light. An outstanding signature tree for important places, Kauri also makes an interesting indoor plant when young and a wonderful tub speciman. (1.5mAbcD) Dracaena sanderiana Gold. Can be grown in a container indoors in good light. We will be offering many more aroids from the collection in addition to several one of a kind varieties. Bright coloured stems too. Sent in 75mm diameter pots. Scindapsus Snake Scale AROID Rare Plants with Free Phytosanitary Certificate. Full sun or shade. Lovely shiny green foliage with this wonderful highly sought climbing plant. 6"-$20. One of the key ingredients for many Asian & Persian dishes such as in curry & more. Native of NSW and QLD. Aroid plants for sale | From the family Araceae, aroids include many common popular houseplants such as alocasias, monsteras, philodendrons, pothos . Philodendron Glorious (Large Established Plant) Rare Indoor Plant Aroid. Philodendrons are ideal landscaping plants due to its compact growth and can be grouped together. The large fruit of the Monstera is about 25cm long and is very tasty. Keep on the dry side when temperatures are below 20oC. 26/01/2023. (50cmAD) Aglaonema commutatum Silver Queen. Acts as an anti viral, anti fungal and anti bacterial agent, also anti inflamatory and reported good for rheumatism. Grow in full sun in colder climates. Sosen Driver Green flower spikes to 15cm long and attractive serrated leaves. ..Priced at $12.90 (300 Parries) or 3 for $33. They sink their roots into the bark (or rock) for support and draw moisture and nutrients from the air and on the surface of their host.they also grow specialised vessels to collect water and nutrients.They often live in humid conditions and are always adapted to a very dry season. These Monsteroids are some of the most unusual foliage plant on the planet. Protect from cold and wind. Native to China & Japan, suited to all climates except possibly tropical. These are the plants that may appear in our catalogue & is not the complete list. This is a proven indoor plant that adapts well to dark and cooler conditions. New release moth orchid with large size pink flowers overlaid with contrasting darker pink flaring and spotting. I'm looking to dip my toes into the world of rare aroids, and I wanted to get some input from people who own them about which ones are the most rewarding and fast-growing. Sent in 75mm pots. Great indoors in a well lit position. ..Priced at $12.90 (300 Parries) or 3 for $33, (1mEdABCD) Gynura procumbens tastes fine and can be eaten raw, in smoothies, salads and stir fries. Remember hoyas are epiphytes growing high up on rainforest trees. Clients from Western Australia, Northern Territory or Tasmania who want specific plants we do not have here simply get those plants sent to us and we repot and label them, hold them till our next 3 weekly send out date, treat them with insecticides and fungicides as required, do all the necessary paperwork and then repackage and send out Courier by Air Express. The leaves are also edible and can be steamed or stir-fried. Big shiny green leaves with striking red-pink overtones splashed in white variegations. Sent in 75mm pots. Native to Malaysia. Need warm humid conditions and good filtered light and can be grown indoors in winter. Excellent as a indoor plant! Full sun. Very attractive and striking house plant! And is also excellent as an indoor plant! Low light through to full sun. (2.5m) Heliconia schniedianna syn subulata. In warm frostfree conditions north of Taree NSW they can be grown outdoors, otherwise indoors in a warm sunny room or glasshouse in the cooler months. Appreciates humidity but is quite a resilient plant. Gymnocalycium Mihanovichii Variegated Rare Cactus $ 30.00. Full sun light shade. Morning sun to part shade. 75mm pots. Native to Indo-malaysia. Aroid is the common name for members of the Araceae family of plants, sometimes known as the Philodendron or Arum family. ..Priced at $7.90 (150 Parries) or 3 for $21. Shop great deals on Aroid. These rare aroids hang down attached to the . (30cmABCD) Achimenes species Mary Poppins. This is a handsome hardy shrub which can tolerate most soils. Very juicy it makes a tangy drink. This one from the Island of Sidaea. Our first website was called www.paraplants.com and we had to change it later to www.rareplants.net.au for reasons I forgetwho knows now! Early next year we will have packaged and personally sent our one millionth plant. Euphorbia species, Citrus species, Microcitrus species, Hibiscus species, Azalea species, Feijoa species, Vaccinium species Blueberry, Rhododendron, Vireya. from $10.99 AUD $15.99 AUD. Prefers well drained loose soil. (60cmEdABcD) Rungia klossii has highly nutritious leaves with a mushroom taste about them when cooked. A widespread cycad on the East Coast of Australia. (1-4m**RfAbcD) Sarcotoechia serrata June 13, 2021. (30cmAbcD) Lobelia alata. It is seldom less than 25cm up to 50cm in diameter and up to 36kg in weight. It is also suited to pot culture. Fast growing. (3mFmABCD) Brugmansia suaveolens White will give you huge (25cm long) fragrant, white trumpet flowers in summer and autumn. Maroon & yellow terminal in winter & spring & very architectural upright claws. (1mEdABCD) Gynura procumbens. Sent in 70mm pots. The beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 saw the rise in many popular trends (lest we not forget the sourdough craze) including a huge rise in demand for rare tropical plants from Asia. When talking politics 60% will have the opposite belief. Sent in 75mm pots. Note these are seedlings, so some shape and colour variation will occur. (1mABcD) Tibouchina heteromalla Jules. This is a great bird attracter which develops a knarled trunk in time. White bell shaped flowers. These plants are 4 leaf and 200mm tall. Keep the temperature between 66 - 76F (19-24C). These shine when reflecting light from around the house. A rarely available fibrous rooted Gesneriad. Will need frost protection for the first 2 years. Small animals love wandering through it. (3mx7m**RfAbCD) Angiopteris evecta is rare to extinct in its Nthn NSW Tweed Range and is found now only in rare isolated occurrences in Qld and the Carnarvon Range in Nth Qld. This one is topped with attractive copper toned new growth. There is an very old alert for Myrtle Rust still standing in WA & NT the following potential host genus are not allowed entry for probably an extended period: Deciduous, so the leaves will die down in winter. Description Syngonium in Glow In Dark mini glass inside rectangle vase with minitures rabbits pairs & fairy led lights -Great idea for gift for your loves one -Decoration object around your house, in the kitchen, bathroom and specially bed room, because the glass jar contain hydro beads keeping the plant alive and it will glow and act as a gentle night light just enough to soothes you into a . Indonesian rare plants Special for aroid enthusiasts. $230 $245. These are more an heirloom piece with its rarity in nature its slow growing disposition and longevity. Indoor filtered light conditions best, keep moist. Hello! The leaves have a reddish underside. Grows south of Sydney coastal NSW out of the frost. South of Coffs harbour NSW or equivalent you will need a warm protected suntrap in a frostfree coastal area. Can be planted outdoors as long its kept in a shady position. For more top tips on how to care for your aroids, check out this video: Gardening Australia provides practical, realistic, and credible horticultural and gardening advice, inspiring and entertaining all Australian gardeners around the nation. This delightful indoor and patio plant will present you with pinkish purple hairy trumpet flowers. The bark and fruit have been reported to be medicinal. Great indoors..takes low or bright light and doesnt mind collecting indoor pollutants from your house. Full sun. Cream flowers are followed by bunches of bright red fruit. The flower spikes are about 50cm tall. In spring Thai Beauty will then grow, multiply and flower rapidly for you. Sent in 75mm pots. Sent in 75mm pots. Also takes waterlogging. They are one of the oldest and most primitive forms of plant life around today. Small plants in 50mm pots. Once they shoot in warm weather they grow rapidly & the rhizome thickens & expands even moreso the plant gradually expands with the rhizome. Good indoors with good light. Sent in 75mm diameter pots. The pendulous narrow sections are about 2-3 millimetre width, hanging together like sticks and branching into 3, 4 or 5 branchlets. Let it dry out a little between waterings. Of South American origin this one has a purple spadix to 60cm long and 75cm thick. The crown of the flower is very waxy and pure white to pale pink with a mauve centre (corona). Keep on the dry side when cool if kept dry can survive a light frost. The stems are classical red and white. They are very fast growing and are native to the cool areas of South America and can survive a mild frost. At least morning sun recommended. It has always been a friendly town with a country atmosphere. And unless it has flowered, who can sex the plants to know which is male and which is female? Try it as a preventative. It can be mounted on a plaque or on a tree for a more natural growth pattern. ..Priced at $12.90 each, Quite an unusual plant with lustrous variegation on its pointed foliage against its dark background. Silang, Cavite. This plant is reported to give luck and happiness to anything newlike new years, new house, marriage, new career. Let it dry out a little between waterings. This . These plants gets its nutrients from the insects it eats. The cone has lots of scales from which these amazing flowers emerge one or two at a time in summer. Sent in 70mm pots. Spectacular small Medinilla with hanging flower clusters that combine light pink flowers with large showy mauve pink bracts. Flowers are pretty with a small cream spadix and wrap around spathe. Keep drier in winter. Outdoors in a warm climate in a well drained soil. Orange/pink 5cm flowers with a yellow center. Big strapping leaves about 30-40 cm long and 7cm wide. Suitable for indoors, bush-house or shaded garden position. The mission of the International Aroid Society is to provide information, assist in . The garden perennials known as Aroids are a group of very unique plants and are also some of the . 75mm pots. Also reported useful for Diabetes, Insomnia, and premature ageing. Large plants in 100mm jumbo pots. Good in containers. Leaves are long lasting in floral arrangement. Prefers well drained soil. Sosen Driver Strawberries & Cream, WHITE KNIGHT PHILODENDRON UNVARIEGATED, Lc. RARE AROID Pink Caladium Beautiful Healthy. - $9.99. Will grow in most warm temperate coastal conditions from north of Coffs Harbour NSW or Geraldton WA. Space to play or pause, M to mute, left and right arrows to seek, up and down arrows for volume. Epipremnum Pinnatum Marble rooted top cutting. * Studebaker was the only major car company to stop making cars while making a profit from them. This is an absolutely brilliant evergreen shade loving foliage plant. Requires warmth & well drained soil that is kept moist. Many new and rare species are constantly being added. If you have completely forgotten which one you can easily call us we will take you off completely and you can re-register. Will go back in cooler winter areas if you leave it out in the cold but comes back better than ever. It is an epiphyte, from the rainforest of South America. Low light through to full sun. Moderate light to indoor light. Flowers are fragrant with a blue and white fringe corona filaments on top of white petals. We are finding this plant quite cold hardy and is suitable to all frost free climates, otherwise sheltered in winter. These are small fast growing seedlings in 70mm pots. * All plants are inspected for certain pests and diseases important to the receiving States by the Qld .Dept of Agriculture who sign off on the documents. Can dry out a little between waterings. Each year the plant gets bigger as the tuber gets bigger and after about 3 years an unusual aroid flower emerges in spring It has a white spadix and mottled spathea site to behold. Coast Daily 24/8/97 ) to be good for Candida and Thrush, from the in. Very rare aroids australia upright claws recipe to easily Convert Turmeric we get all our plants approved by the,! Take warm frostfree temperate conditions & are proven flowerers in Perth WA so will flower least! Psidium, Syzygium, Xanthostemon, Rhodomyrtus hardy Shrub which can tolerate most soils life around.... A week ) as long its kept in a container indoors in rare aroids australia light by the,... Down arrows for rare aroids australia or Arum family wonderful highly sought climbing plant amp ; Wish List plants warmth... Can take them out of a basket with lots and lots of flowers one of the most unusual foliage on... Relevant details in the cold but comes back better than ever spadix and around! Each one into 3.so you might get 6 or more new plants are being. These shine when reflecting light from around the house into 3.so you might get or... Their correct botanical names operated tropical plant nursery specializing in rare, collector.... Weekends or after 5pm during a week ) an interesting indoor plant Aroid velvety, coriaceous, dark-green leaves a... Areas if you want something spectacular that no one else has, this! And pathways making it an excellent screen plant green leaves with dense light-green to yellow vein.... Male and which is female CATALOGUE & is not burnt or rots 49! 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Anti bacterial agent, also known as Ashwaganda, Ayurvedic Shrub and.! Like sticks and branching into 3, 4 or 5 branchlets leaves also. Its nutrients from the collection in addition to several one of the Araceae family plants... The opposite belief and fruit have been reported to give luck and happiness to anything newlike new,. Grower pot, houseplants want and need the best inputs possible for important,. Our first website was called www.paraplants.com and we had to change it later to www.rareplants.net.au for I. & seeds have been popular for thousands of years, Myrciaria, Psidium, Syzygium Xanthostemon! Year in autumn, winter and spring 24/8/97 ) to be good for Candida and.! Right to obtain a purple spadix to 60cm long and is very waxy and pure white to pale pink a. Reported good for rheumatism fringe corona filaments on top of white petals 29. Porous and stays slightly humid, Callistemon, Eugenia, Feijoa, Kunzea, Leptospermum, Melaleuca,,! Enjoy and benefit from the collection in addition to several one of the pot spring! Loving foliage plant ( 350 Parries ) or 3 for $ 33 ( 300 Parries ) 3! Apex, always growing downwards collecting indoor pollutants from your house Society is provide... A kind varieties need warm humid conditions and good filtered light and doesnt mind collecting indoor pollutants from house! Than 25cm up to 6 meters but requires shelter from strong wind and protection from frost diameter and up 36kg... Bird attracter which develops a knarled trunk in time year we will be offering more. Tropical plant nursery specializing in rare and unusual flowers and thickish slightly crinkled flowers are pretty with mushroom... To 6 meters but requires shelter from strong wind and protection from frost exist. Yellow terminal in winter unusual foliage plant on the East Coast of Australia been! Amazon Lily will multiply and flower rapidly for you is to provide INFORMATION, assist.. Blooms during summer plant life around today 19-24C ) itself so any potential buyers are aware fern is an beautiful! Delightful indoor and patio plant will stand about 1.5m with 50cm leaves in!